Enviro-Safe R-290 Refrigerant Cylinders Pallet Quantities

R290 & R600a

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Envirosafe Enviro-Safe R-290 Refrigerant Cylinders Pallet Quantities Photo - Click to Enlarge

  • 24 Cylinders/pallet
  • EPA approved R290 for use as per EPA regulations 40 CFR Part 82.17
  • Designed for use in refrigeration units calling for R290
  • May be used in domestic refrigerators, freezers, dehumidfiers and window ac units
  • Also used in industrial applications: ice machines, grocery stores freezers, refrigerators, restaurant equipment, wine coolers, beer kegs, soda machines, drinking fountains, etc.
  • Sold in 8 oz cans, 12lb cylinders (shipping weight is about 30lbs), and 20lb cylinders (shipping weight is about 39lbs)
  • Proud to be a family owned business with over 22 years of experience! The oldest hydrocarbon refrigerant manufacturer in North America.
  • This product is flammable and you must use caution when installing this product.
  • This product is flammable to open flame or spark and is not intended for use in systems designed for non-flammable refrigerants.

1.Pull a vacuum to check for leaks.
2. If you have a leak, DO NOT install this product without fixing the leak and verifying that the leak is fixed. DO NOT expose to any
ignition source.
3. Invert can to charge.
4. Install following the manufacturer’s specifications for the unit.
5. Dispose of waste material in accordance with all local, regional, national, and international regulations.



Note: This product is approved by US EPA with special use restrictions (defined in 40 CFR Part 82.172) for new food refrigerators, food
freezers, stand-alone units, some industrial applications and new room air conditioners clearly identified for use with this refrigerant,
among other uses as approved by the EPA. This refrigerant may only be used in new equipment specifically designed and identified
by EPA for R-290 refrigerant use, and may not be used as a conversion or “retrofit” refrigerant for existing equipment.

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