Proseal for R12 systems 4 oz cans and cases

Stop Leak & Sealants

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Envirosafe Proseal for R12 systems 4 oz cans and cases Photo - Click to Enlarge


 Proseal for 12 & 134a SDS (230 KB, PDF)

  • Enviro-Safe Proseal for R12 systems repairs minor leaks in mobile a/c systems.
  • It seals leaks in evaporators, condensers, fittings and metal lines.
  • Before replacing expensive parts and labor, try Enviro-Safe Proseal for R12 systems!
  • Works on most mobile applications.
  • Applications: automotive, campers, semi tractor trailers, combines, thrashers, agriculture applications.
  • For best results, use Enviro-Safe Prodry for R12 systems BEFORE using the Enviro-Safe Proseal for R12 systems to remove any moisture in your system. Moisture is corrosive and no one wants that in their system!
  • Not for use in 410a systems!
  • Note: This item will NOT fix mechanical issues!

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